5 Best Practices for Writing Clean Code

As a software engineer, you must have heard the term "clean code" thrown around a lot. So, what is it, really? Clean code simply means code that is easy to read, understand, and maintain. It's important to write clean code because it helps alleviate future bugs, promotes collaboration among team members, and enhances software performance. Writing clean code isn't rocket science, but it does require attention to detail, proper organization, and good coding habits. In this article, we will discuss five best practices you can adopt to help you write clean code.

1. Use Consistent Naming Conventions

Naming conventions are crucial in writing clean code because they make your code more readable and understandable. When naming variables, functions, and classes, use descriptive names that accurately describe what they do. Avoid cryptic names or abbreviations that only you can understand.

You should also strive to use consistent naming conventions throughout your code. For instance, if you use camelCase for a variable name in one part of your code, make sure you use the same convention in other parts of your code as well. Consistency is key when it comes to naming conventions.

2. Keep Functions and Classes Short and Simple

One hallmark of clean code is simplicity. Code that is too complex or lengthy can be difficult to read and understand. Therefore, it's important to keep your functions and classes short and simple. Aim to make your functions less than 20 lines long, and your classes less than 200 lines long.

Additionally, make sure your functions and classes do only one thing. This will make your code more modular and easier to test. You should also avoid nesting functions and classes too deeply. Typically, you shouldn't nest more than two or three levels deep.

3. Practice Proper Code Formatting

Code formatting is another essential aspect of clean code. Proper code formatting makes your code more readable and understandable. One way to ensure proper code formatting is to use an automated formatter. Automated formatters such as Prettier or Black can ensure that your code is properly indented, spaced, and aligned.

You should also adhere to commonly used formatting standards in your community. For example, some communities prefer the use of tabs over spaces, while others prefer spaces over tabs. Adhering to a commonly accepted formatting standard will make it easier for other developers to read and understand your code.

4. Write Descriptive Comments

Comments are an important aspect of clean code. They help other developers understand what your code does and why you wrote it the way you did. However, it's important to write descriptive comments that are actually helpful.

Avoid writing comments that merely reiterate what the code is doing. Instead, write comments that explain why you wrote the code the way you did, or other potential solutions that didn't work. You should also avoid writing unnecessary comments, such as comments that are just restating the function or variable name.

5. Refactor Your Code Regularly

As your codebase grows, it's common for some areas of the code to become messy and disorganized. Refactoring is the process of cleaning up your code to make it more efficient, maintainable, and understandable.

You should regularly set aside time to refactor your code. This can involve renaming variables, splitting large functions into smaller ones, or removing unnecessary code. Refactoring your code can be time-consuming, but the benefits are worth it in the long run.


In conclusion, writing clean code is an important aspect of software engineering. Adopting these five best practices will help you write code that is easy to read, understand, and maintain. Using consistent naming conventions, keeping functions and classes short and simple, practicing proper code formatting, writing descriptive comments, and refactoring your code regularly are all essential components of writing clean code. By adopting these practices, you will be on your way to writing code that is maintainable, efficient, and enjoyable to work on. Happy coding!

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